Find a Meditation Teacher


We have fully trained teachers located throughout the United Kingdom. Please contact us to establish where your nearest is located. We may be able to arrange for a teacher to come to your area.

 Ask us about learning to meditate and registering for a retreat.

For students wishing to learn in the UK  please contact Kevin Jolly (+44 (0)7779922836) and for international students please follow the appropriate international sister links on the home page.



This class focuses on how to meditate effortlessly. It is a foundational class for further instruction as well as meditation for beginners. There are four weekly classes in basic mantra meditation, with emphasis on correct technique, how to become the observer of thoughts, and understanding the meditative process.



This meditation class provides four classes in further meditation techniques: 1) A Visual Meditation practice which develops the power of concentration and deepens ability to focus and have greater awareness in daily life. With greater awareness in daily life we experience the true value within ourselves. 2)  Pranayama (breathing practice) which detoxifies the body, attunes oneself to a higher rhythm, and captures the vital force within to gain needed energy. 3) A Shakti meditation practice to connect with the universal principle of grace. Shakti is that universal force pervading everything in the universe.


Individualised Meditation Instruction:  Personalised mantra and meditation techniques based on the individual’s own unique make up are offered in one-on-one instruction.


Advanced meditation techniques and practices are offered to deepen meditation experience. Advanced meditation practices are offered individually and on meditation retreats.


A suggested donation of £75 is given by the student to UKM for the entire eleven week course. There is a Paypal facility for convenience or please refer to Kevin Jolly directly.

Students are never turned away from UKM classes because of financial hardship.



Study the Teachings of Gururaj & The Practice of Meditation

The items on offer for free or for purchase represent a small sampling of the teachings of Gururaj.  Listening to his words will deepen your understanding of your own life experience and help you to find the peace and balance that you seek. We will continue to add new items, so keep checking back with us.

UKM during 2017 will be digitising rare and precious audio and video recordings so do watch this space. You are welcome to email to ask to be on the library mailing list:


Listen to the mastery that is Gururaj Ananda Yogi and hear all of his teachings wherever you go.Read more


Watch videos of Gururaj Ananda Yogi as he talks about philosophy, mystical topics and the questions about our existence in this world. Read more


Hear excerpts of Gururaj Ananda Yogi as he discusses our purpose on this planet and tap into your own sense of self. Read more



Download written transcripts of Satsangs given by Gururaj Ananda Yogi. Read more