Meditation For the Individual

Learn Meditation The way it is meant To Be…

UK Meditation (UKM) is a non-sectarian, educational organisation devoted to offering meditation classes and retreats in UK, preserving the original and universal teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi (1932-1988).

UK Meditation is maintained on a volunteer basis by its members under the directorship of Pranesh Jolly and is affiliated with sister organisations and teachers in Canada, England, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, and Ireland. UKM conducts meditation retreats in various UK locations and offers teacher training courses.

UKM holds and has access to an extensive library of transcripts, video and audio satsang’s recording Gururaj’s teaching when he visited the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Canada and various other countries around the world during 1977-1988.

This initiative has been inspired by the International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment (IFSU) to promote and publish the meditation techniques and philosophy of the method developed by Gururaj Ananda Yogi. The Path of Unfoldment (PoU protocol) through his videos and posts on the website dedicated to his works.

UK Meditation is Based in London, England, close to major International airports.

Classes + Retreats

Meditation classes include broadening understanding of daily life events and self-awareness. UK Meditation offers retreats to enrich and deepen your meditation experience and to encourage regular practice.

All meditation instruction is under the guidance of an experienced teacher.Meditation techniques are most effectively taught through the oral tradition where the student is guided step by step based on their own experience. All levels welcome.

When mind and body reach a state of deep relaxation through meditation, it allows the inner self, the spiritual self to shine through and permeate the mind and body.

Usha Harrison Speaks on the Benefits of Meditation